Expoplant - Acquista online: Ostrya carpinifolia -

L’Ostrya carpinifolia è un albero a foglia caduca con chioma da largamente conica ad arrotondata, molto fitto, ramificato dalla base. A crescita media, raggiunge i 20 metri di altezza. Corteccia scura con lenticelle, con il tempo diviene scabra. Foglie ovato-lanceolate, doppiamente dentate e con nervature evidenti, verde scuro e lucide, più chiare sulla pagina inferiore; In autunno si colorano di giallo. Pianta monoica con infiorescenze maschili e femminili separate ma sulla stessa pianta, molto evidenti in primavera le infiorescenze maschili in amenti penduli. A fine estate infruttescenze simili ai frutti del luppolo, dapprima bianco-crema poi marroni.

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Ostrya carpinifolia
Young plants, trays, cuttings
L’Ostrya carpinifolia è un albero a foglia caduca con chioma da largamente conica ad arrotondata, molto fitto, ramificato dalla base. A crescita media, raggiunge i 20 metri di altezza. Corteccia scura con lenticelle, con il tempo diviene scabra. Foglie ovato-lanceolate, doppiamente dentate e con nervature evidenti, verde scuro e lucide, più chiare sulla pagina inferiore; In autunno si colorano di giallo. Pianta monoica con infiorescenze maschili e femminili separate ma sulla stessa pianta, molto evidenti in primavera le infiorescenze maschili in amenti penduli. A fine estate infruttescenze simili ai frutti del luppolo, dapprima bianco-crema poi marroni.
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Price list:
From 1 to 8000 pcs.
3,08 € each
Shipping costs:
22,00 € every 50 plants
Processing period: 3 - 10
Shipping metod:Courier
Root container
Plant height
From 30 to 50 cm
Botanical and cultivation features
The black horn can reach 20 m in height. It has arboreal or shrub-like growth. Initially oval or conical hair becomes increasingly glossy and irregular until it reaches a diameter of 8 m. The trunk is erect and smooth, with a brownish, smooth, tendon-like brisk bark that cracks in adult specimens. Leafy leafy plant, simple and two-sided, with alternative insertion, by a short petiole. The sprigs are brown with many lentils, first of small size, but later stretch to become more evident. The leaf foil is oval, with a pointed apex and a rounded or roped base (2x5 cm). The rib is pennin net, with a minimum of 12 ribs per side, from which there are tertiary ribs. The edge has a double tooth. The top, smooth and glossy, is of intense green, the lower, the clearer, initially pubescent, then becomes glabra. Monophonic plant with unisex inflorescences. Male inflorescences are represented by long hips of 5 to 12 cm, placed in groups of 2 -3. The stamens, of brown color, are very short in number ranging from 4 to 10. Female aches are more tepid, no longer than 5 cm and are at the top of the twigs. They become pendulous with the approximation of the flowering that occurs simultaneously with the appearance of the leaves in April of May. The fruit is an achenio with very thickened walls (nucula) of 1 to 2 cm in size, wrapped in light brattees. The fruits are assembled in typical ovoid infusions and pendants of 6 to 7 cm in length, very dense and compact, similar to those of the hops. In Italy it is diffused in all regions, especially in hilly and mountainous areas where it extends up to about 1000 m. It is particularly widespread in the Northeast and Adriatic regions. It is particularly associated with the roverella in forming xerophite and thermophilous forests. It favors drained soils, rich in limestone, adapting to the shallow ones as it has a rather superficial radical apparatus. In the mountains it develops on the most sheltered and sunny slopes as it is a heliophilous and thermophilous species, which fears the frosts. The black hare was, in recent years, also re-evaluated as an essence of landscaping interest, also given its poor substrate needs. In fact, it can enter into the formation of road trees, or barbing (exploiting its polloniferous capacity). In Central Europe, gardeners appreciate this species as an ornamental tree for the parks and gardens of the most temperate areas. The wood, more reddish than the white horn, finds its own application.
Place of origin
Bacino del Mediterraneo ( Europa meridionale, Asia Minore), Caucaso.
Plant tipology
Trees, Shrubs
Tipologia 2
Broad-leaved trees
Sun, Partial shade
Suth, West
Soil type
Chalk, Sand, Medio impasto
Moist, Well drained
Acid, Neutral, Alkaline
USDA Hardiness zone
5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Ultimate height
12-20 m
ultimate spread
more then 8 m
Conical, Spreading, Spherical
Garden type
City & Courtyard Gardens, Country Garden, Architectural, Formal, Informal garden, Wild Garden
Woods, Tree line, Singolo esemplare
Months of interest
April, May, June, July, August, September, October
Colour in spring
Colour in summer
Colour in autumn
Colour in winter
Flower colour
Leaves colour
Fruits colour
Bark colour
Blooming time
April, May
Aphids, Hyphantria cunea, Lymantriidae, Zeuzera pyrina, Tetranychidae
Cancri rameali, Wood-decay fungus, Nectria, Necrotic spots on leaves, Root rot, Powdery mildew
Advanced research
Common name
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